Having worked in the creative world for 30 years I am keenly aware of the way that ideas are formed. Brainstorming, focus groups, mood boards, research and client questionnaires are all tools of the trade when it comes to the art of presenting your audience with a blinder of an idea that’s going to change their world, tell their story, shape their brand or simply point them in the right direction. But more often than not an idea will come from a random chat about something completely different - and that’s how Know & Love started.
My partner Tim and I were idly marvelling at how many people we know who are talented artists, designers and makers. We have family, friends, colleagues, clients, suppliers and old school and university peers who are incredibly creative. Some of them make a decent living from their skills and talent. Some practice it as a pastime and some never even share their results with the outside world.
Boom. The idea just came: How wonderful it would be to bring together all the people we know and love whose work we admire and talent we are envious of.
Know & Love was born. It’s been a year since that thought popped into our heads, and what a year it’s been! The joy of approaching your friends and asking them to be involved in a new project because you love their work is difficult to describe. It has been heart warming to find that people are excited by the prospect and the support from everyone is overwhelming.
My blog posts are going to be a celebration of these people who have made the dream come true. I want to thank each and every one of them for their enthusiasm and trust in us. These are the people we Know and Love.
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